Inge Brandenburg

Inge who ?

The unbelievable story of a woman, the greatest european jazz voice in the sixties. In the US she was named – the european Billy Holiday.

Her story, the biography is more than heavy. Born in Nazi Germany, both parents died in concentration camps. Started singing to survive and grew from a little pearl to the biggest jazz diamond West Germany ever had.

– Temptation

– Moonglow

Problem – wrong time , wrong place, that means West Germany preferred different music at that time. The record companies calculated Schlager, with a whiff on jazz.

she couldn`t get along with it. Frustrated, with wrong partners and huge alcohol problems the career stopped in the 70ies and finally she died poor and forgotten in munich, Germany in 1999. Her whole live, her legacy was found on a flea market in munich in 4 cardboards. The guy who found it, made it available to berlin based fim maker Marc Boettcher, who already did fantastic documentaries about Alexandra, Bert Kaempfert and Gitte Haenning. He needed five years to make his best work so far.

Yesterday was preview here in Berlin for

It was a very special evening, not only, because of the location

and sitting next to Emil Mangelsdorff and Gitte Haenning.

This movie starts the upcoming weekend in Germany. The Soundtrack CD with unreleased tracks from Inge Brandenburg is fantastic and the DVD will be released in about five months and you can preorder it here at the Musik Department.

One last note. The big Record Company Universal, home of Impulse, Prestige, ECM Records and CDs was asked for releasing the soundtrack CD – Answer !!!!! not interesting for us !!! NOTHING LEARNED from history

We say  – shame on you –  ignorants

– Love for sale

3 Antworten to “Inge Brandenburg”

  1. Wot a woman…wot a voice!!!

  2. berlinwolf Says:

    Der Film läuft noch am

    26.11. um 15.00 und

    27.11. um 15.00 im

    EISZEIT Kino, Kreuzberg, Zeughofstr.

    Goody, Goody!!!

  3. There is a new CD „Inge Brandenburg – I Love Jazz“ with 18 unreleased songs. Do you have it?

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